Wednesday 29 April 2015

Audience Feedback


Quick cutsIIII

Good pacingIIIII


Better lightingI

More narrative/ dialogueII

Thursday 26 March 2015


The process of editing is taking a long time to get our film 'silent killer' to a standard that we are happy with. We have had to change our films opening sequence to make it more effective for our target audience. As a result we have cut out some scenes and added a montage at the beginning of our opening sequence, this is to introduce our antagonist to the audience, making the audience fear him more when he makes his appearance later on in the opening sequence.

Friday 13 March 2015

Filming update

We have had our film 'Silent Killer', independently assessed to make sure that our opening sequence is effective as possible. However, our feedback has convinced us that we would be beneficial to re-film some scenes in the next week.

Thursday 12 March 2015


Lonely Child Films filmed the opening scene to our film 'Silent Killer' on Monday evening with our lead actor, James Green, who plays our main Protagonist.

Thursday 26 February 2015

We have made a series of example posters to show the promotion of the film that we have planed in order to get our film noticed by our target audience in the most effective way possible...
This is a poster I made for our film 'Silent Killer'...
There are posters that other people in my group made for our film 'silent killer'...


Wednesday 25 February 2015

Our timetable

Our timetable

This is our timetable which we need to stick to in order to meet deadlines, this will ensure that we will have as much time as possible to edit and ensure our film is as good as possible in order for it to appeal to our target audience and in turn lead to a success to benefit both us and our investors.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

This is a mood board to show the interests of the target audience for a horror film. we will try to target out horror film at a similar audience to this to attract the best target audience for our film.

Monday 5 January 2015

Here are a few things that people fear, we will try and include a few of these in our horror film opening sequence.

Please comment anything that you find scary.
Thank You
Please follow us on Twitter (@lonelychildfilm) for up to date information on the progress of the films opening sequence.
Thank You.

Kealan Forrest AS Media Blog: What I am doing

Kealan Forrest AS Media Blog: What I am doing: I am studying AS media and me and my group (Matthew Crowther and Ethan de Costres Robinson) will create the first two minutes of a horror fi...

Ethan's AS Media Blog: Hello. This blog belongs to Ethan de Costres Robin...

Ethan's AS Media Blog: Hello. This blog belongs to Ethan de Costres Robin...: Hello. This blog belongs to Ethan de Costres Robinson. For my AS media coursework me and my peers will produce the opening sequence to a ho...
My name is Matthew Crowther.
I am studying AS Media, for my Media coursework I will be making the opening sequence to a horror film.
I will be working with Kealan Forrest and Ethan de Costres Robinson to create the opening sequence.
I will be posting updates regularly giving details on the film and target audience.
Thank You.

Out Tasks (what we have to do)

Task one - Preliminary exercise: (an exercise in continuity), we must film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character. The characters must exchange a couple of lines of dialogue.
In this task we must demonstrate...
a) match on action
b)shot/reverse shot
c)180-degree rule

Task two - Main task: We must create the title and opening of a new Fiction film that will last two minutes.

Task three - Blog: We will create a blog giving details on out film and out research. We will also show our understanding of horror films by including what impact the 5 elements have on the viewer, (Mise en scene, camera shots, editing, sound and special effects). We will also plan and make our own horror film opening sequence.